(Nueva Actualizacion) iTouchsDS 2.3F

Posted in Informacion on 22 enero, 2009 by josemaridecai


(Ultima Actualizacion) N5DS 1.27

Posted in Informacion on 15 enero, 2009 by josemaridecai


(Nueva Actualizacion) iTouchds 2.3D

Posted in Informacion on 15 enero, 2009 by josemaridecai

Descargar Aquí


(Nueva Actualizacion) R4-III Upgrade Revolution 3.08

Posted in Informacion on 15 enero, 2009 by josemaridecai

Descargar aqui


R4-III v3.07 kernel

Posted in Informacion on 3 diciembre, 2008 by josemaridecai


(Nueva Actualizacion) R4-III v3.06 kernel

Posted in Informacion on 10 noviembre, 2008 by josemaridecai


Operación policial contra DiscoAzul

Posted in Informacion on 31 octubre, 2008 by josemaridecai

El pasado martes 7 de octubre la Policía Nacional realizó una intervención en las instalaciones de nuestro patrocinador DiscoAzul. Junto a miembros de la policía científica y un perito del Ministerio de Cultura requisaron numeroso material, incluyendo videojuegos (originales), peluches y figuras, además de los típicos en estas operaciones como modchips y discos swapmagic. Hay siete imputados por un supuesto delito contra la propiedad intelectual (basado en el artículo 270.3 del Código Penal), entre los que se encuentran algunos trabajadores informáticos que se dedican a tareas de desarrollo web para empresas; pero la tienda continuará realizando sus operaciones con normalidad.

La denuncia está firmada por aDeSe, Sony y algunos otros socios de la patronal española de videojuegos. En los interrogatorios policiales se hizo especial hincapié en los discos Swap Magic y la slide card (un trozo de plástico que se utiliza para abrir la bandeja de la PSTwo), y a su posible uso para leer discos piratas.

Cuesta creer que tras sentencias tan contundentes como la de la Audiencia Provincial de Valencia, la cual resolvía que este tipo de dispositivos son perfectamente legales, las fuerzas policiales continúen acosando a empresas que crean empleos y pagan religiosamente sus impuestos. Desde aquí mandamos todo nuestro apoyo a Xaco y sus trabajadores, no tenemos ninguna duda de que los jueces volverán a darles la razón.

Nueva Actualizacion R4III Revolution 3.05

Posted in Informacion on 31 octubre, 2008 by josemaridecai



OperaDS «Patcheado»

Posted in Informacion on 18 octubre, 2008 by josemaridecai

Bueno aqui s dejo el Opera para DS patcheado para la gente que no sepan parchearlo 😉



Nuevo firmware 4.0 para M3 Real con Real Time Save

Posted in Informacion on 17 octubre, 2008 by josemaridecai

Ha salido un nuevo firmware para el M3 real y como principal novedad está que incorpora el Real time save.

Esta es la lista de novedades en inglés:

M3/G6 DS Real v4.0 x32 (17th-10-2008):

v4.0 adds Real Time Save (as well as numerous other fixes).
Complete changelog below.

The Real Time Save features of M3R:
1) Support maximum of 3 save files for each game.
2) Fast loading time & saving time. (save time=8sec/load time=5sec, The fastest performance in the market.)
3) Approximately, 95% of nds games are able to use RTS function so far.
4) Integrated RTS menu support showing time, loading & saving status, monitoring capacity of SD etc…
5) Support more than 1 set of hot-keys for activating RTS menu to prevent key-conflict situation occurs. (L+R+sel or L+R+Y)

To enable RTS feature:
Just make sure the «RT Save(L+R+SL)» or «RT Save(L+R+Y)» option at «RTS/soft reset» pull-down menu of the game configuration menu has been selected. (There is only 1 save file for a game by default. If users want to have more than one save file for the game, please press «select» when highlighting the game at the game list menu and Select the «create is1» or «create is2» option. In addition, if the capacity of the TF card is not enough for creating file, users may also delete selected files in the «My Card» menu.)

Basic operation:
Just press «L+R+SL» or «L+R+Y» to activate RTS menu during game play.

Operation keys:
[up/down] = select
[A] = confirm
[B] = Exit and return to game

Function of the items:
SAVE (save the game status from memory to default save file .is0)
LOAD (load the game status from default save file .is0 to memory)

SAVE BACKUP1 (save the game status from memory to save file .is1)
LOAD BACKUP1 (load the game status from save file .is1 to memory)

SAVE BACKUP2 (save the game status from memory to save file .is2)
SAVE BACKUP2 (load the game status from save file .is2 to memory)

MAIN MENU (Go back to the M3R main menu = soft reset)

Useful information:
Due to the restrictions of the system of nds, it’s not easy to make it perfect. However, the load/save function is stable and we tested over 3000 of games, about 95% of games are able to use RTS function and all the status of those games can be restored and let me continue to play the game without so many problems so the overall performance of the RTS function is satisfied. To help users to use the RTC function smoothly, users may need to note the followings:

1. Please do not activate the RTS menu at the beginning of game boot up such as logo graphic is loading or showing. It’s because the initial process of the game is usually still progress.
2. Please do not activate the RTS menu during which the data is being loaded or saved.
3. The graphic of a few games may not be able to restore perfectly upon loading back the save file data into memory; we suggest users may re-try to restore the game (load) at another moment. Usually, if users save the game at gameplay, please try loading back during gameplay and not from the main menu. Another example, if users save the game at the 3D state, we suggest loading the data back at the 3D state too.
4. The sound of a few games may temporary break upon loading back the save file data, we suggest closing the cover of the NDS for a second then re-opening it again. Usually, it will be able to recover without any problem in most cases.

Improvement projects:
1. NDS to increase the game’s archive features real-time option (only M3DS Real achievable, G6DS Real there is no such option);
2. Delete files to increase functionality and can be used to remove excess real-time archive files and other documents of the game;
3. To amend the part of the game automatically display the name of Chinese translation error;
4. Solve the «1411 – Fullmetal Alchemist (EU)» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
5. Solve the «1681 – a small clay President (Germany),» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
6. Solve the «1682 – the truth Beizi 4 (U.S.),» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
7. Solve the «1687 – SpongeBob SquarePants Atlantis (United States)» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
8. Solve the «1715 – me and my pony (EU)» the use of soft reset when the microphone of Death, now can use the soft reset normal game;
9. Solve the «1740 – the truth Beizi 4 (EU)» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
10. Solve the «1821 – the truth Beizi 4 (EU)» the use of soft reset when the game crash, now can use the soft reset normal game;
11. Solve the «1829-KiraRin ☆ Declaration idol! Production stage idol (Japan),» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
12. Solve the «1889 – live cat (Japan),» the use of soft reset when the microphone of Death, now can use the soft reset normal game;
13. Solve the «1894 – Guide to use your DS beginning of the private sector to do yoga (Japan),» the use of soft reset when the microphone of Death, now can use the soft reset normal game;
14. Solve the «1952 – SpongeBob SquarePants Atlantis (South Korea),» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
15. Solve the «1959 – baby friends (United States)» in the use of Soft reset the game of Death, now can use the soft reset normal game;
16. Solve the «2728 – my boyfriend (EU)» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
17. Solve the «2731 – plumbers crazy (EU)» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
18. Solve the «2742 – Zubo (EU)» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
19. Solve the «2744 – crazy machines (EU)» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
20. Solve the «2745 – sipping sipping breast-feeding planet (EU)» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
21. Solve the «2746 – Thinking Kid (EU)» does not start running, now can use the soft reset normal game;
22. Solve the «2761 – Death flashing black Requiem (United States)» does not archive, now preserved archive normal game;
23. Solve the «2762 – cute puppies DS 2 (Japan),» the use of soft reset the game in death, can now use the soft reset normal game;
24. Automatically display the name of Chinese control, 2787 to support the DS game ROM.
Note: As of the date of publication, not the normal operation of the games have a can not use the soft reset the game 39, can not use real-time archive of 77 games.
** Can not run the game are: 2540 – Melatonin 2 (South Korea), black and white after the start of the game (only M3DS Real existence of the problem, G6DS Real normal)
** On the immediate filing of a detailed method of operation, please refer to the Web site «service and support,» the «Download – Download Manual» published in «M3DS Real archive features real-time operating instructions»

Se puede descargar desde aquí:

http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds … AMulti.zip